Sea of Thieves’ End-Game Content Detailed By Rare

The developer will be focusing on releasing a lot of post-launch content.

Many players who participated in Sea of Thieves’ closed beta were left wondering if a lot of content would only be available with the final release of the game. Howwever, according to an interview with Eurogamer, there’s a lot we didn’t get to see in the closed beta for the game including some great end-game content.

First off, developer Rare revealed that some new content only becomes available after you can become a pirate legend. Once you become a pirate legend, you gain access to a secret pirate cove. There’s also an NPC at this location who sells legendary voyages which are the game’s version of raid content.

Ultimately, the aim of the secret hideout is to give members a feeling of exclusivity and was described by Design Director Mike Chapman as follows, “It’s that secret place I want to get to, and there’s something aspirational about that.” The team also discussed the feature of Skeleton Forts where players can expect to fight waves of skeleton enemies before finally getting access to a lot of loot. In fact, there will be so much loot that all of it won’t fit into one ship.

There’s a lot more than Rare has planned for the game and they will be focusing on releasing a lot of post-launch content. If all this sounds interesting to you, then be sure to pick up the game when it release for the Xbox One and PC on March 20. Below are some of the end-game activities in the game:

  • A Pirate Cove for Pirate Legends
  • Tavern of Legends
  • Legendary Voyages
  • Legendary Outfits
  • Skeleton Forts (With bosses and vaults)
MicrosoftpcRareSea of ThievesXbox One