Sony Hard At Work Polishing Death Stranding, The Last of Us Part 2, and Other Games

Sony is still not ready to talk about when we can expect to see some of their biggest upcoming exclusives.

Even with fantastic single player games (such as  Spider-Man) having launched in the last few months, Sony still has a whole host of some huge upcoming first party exclusives for the PS4. We recently heard that Days Gone’s release has been pushed back by two months to allow Sony Bend to polish the game further, while the not-quite-as-large-but-still-very-intriguing Concrete Genie also got a more concrete release window.

But what about The Last of Us Part 2? What about Death Stranding? Ghost of Tsushima? Well, in the same update on the PlayStation Blog where the aforementioned games were discussed, Sony confirmed that they’re still working on “polishing” their other titles, and that as such, they’re not ready to announce any release timeframes for them yet.

“We know many of you will want to know about key upcoming titles such as the beta for Dreams, Blood & Truth, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, and The Last of Us: Part II,” the update reads. “The studios are hard at work polishing up these epic PS4 games, but we aren’t yet ready to share a release timeframe. When that news is available, rest assured – you’ll be the first to know!”

What’s interesting in that quote is the usage of the word “polishing”. Perhaps its signifying that the bulk of development on these titles is done and they’re now in the stage where the developers are polishing it up- or maybe I’m just reading a bit too much into it.

Recently, Media Molecule confirmed that they had every intention to launch the Dreams beta this year itself, while some rumours have also suggested that The Last of Us Part 2 will be coming out in 2019. As for Death Stranding, there really isn’t much to go on as far as release date is concerned- but perhaps we’ll hear something at this year’s The Game Awards?

death strandingDreamsGhost of TsushimaKojima ProductionsMedia MoleculeNaughty Dogps4sonySucker PunchThe Last of Us: Part 2