Archive For Tango Gameworks Tag

The Evil Within Releasing on August 26th & 29th for NA and EU
The Evil Within Concept Art and Screenshots Reveals New Environments

The Evil Within Concept Art and Screenshots Reveals New Environments

Things are looking good...and creepy.

The Evil Within Creator: People Used to Horror Tropes, “Harder to Make Them Afraid”

The Evil Within Creator: People Used to Horror Tropes, “Harder to Make Them Afraid”

But industry veteran Shinji Mikami still manages.

The Evil Within Receives Some Truly Scary Screenshots

The Evil Within Receives Some Truly Scary Screenshots

The Evil Within looks downright evil.

Shinji Mikami: “No Real Difference” Between Xbox One and PS4

Shinji Mikami: “No Real Difference” Between Xbox One and PS4

The Evil Within director doesn't see the point of making two versions of the game.

The Evil Within Extended Gameplay Trailer: The New Nightmare

The Evil Within Extended Gameplay Trailer: The New Nightmare

Good night, and good luck.

The Evil Within: New Trailer Showcased at Sony Presser

The Evil Within: New Trailer Showcased at Sony Presser

Fall further into madness with this new trailer.

The Evil Within Wiki : Everything you need to know about the game

The Evil Within Wiki : Everything you need to know about the game

Everything you need to know about The Evil Within

The Evil Within “Wasn’t Survival Horror to Begin With” – Shinji Mikami

The Evil Within “Wasn’t Survival Horror to Begin With” – Shinji Mikami

Mikami talks about bringing horror back to the genre of survival horror.

The Evil Within Wallpapers in 1080P HD

The Evil Within Wallpapers in 1080P HD

Check out some amazing wallpapers for The Evil Within.

Bethesda’s The Evil Within Features Detailed, Will Be Running on id Tech 5

Bethesda’s The Evil Within Features Detailed, Will Be Running on id Tech 5

True successor to Resident Evil 4?

Shinji Mikami’s Bethesda game revealed, teaser inside

Shinji Mikami’s Bethesda game revealed, teaser inside

For next gen consoles as well.

Shinji Mikami admires big open-world games, “it’s a really interesting genre”

Shinji Mikami admires big open-world games, “it’s a really interesting genre”

Shinji Mikami feels that open-world games are fantastic and that's the reason why his studio partnered with Bethesda. He said he admired games like Skyrim which gave a lot of options to players. ... Read More

Shinji Mikami Working On ‘Zwei’, A ‘Pure Survival Horror’ Under Development

Shinji Mikami Working On ‘Zwei’, A ‘Pure Survival Horror’ Under Development

[caption id="attachment_83464" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Click to enlarge"][/caption] Tango Gameworks and director Shinji Mikami are working on a ‘survival horror’ game under the... Read More

Tango Gameworks and Mikami bought by Zenimax

Tango Gameworks and Mikami bought by Zenimax

Zenimax has confirmed that it's has acquired Tango Gameworks and Resident Evil and Vanquish creator Shinji Mikami along with it. “It’s refreshing to find a publisher who understands, trusts, an... Read More