Posts By Pramath

RUMOR: The 3DS to Equal the Xbox 360 and PS3 in Power

RUMOR: The 3DS to Equal the Xbox 360 and PS3 in Power

These 3DS rumors are getting slightly ridiculous now. Although we have several facts that are more or less confirmed about just what the 3DS can do- we know, for instance, that it produces stereoscopi... Read More

Seven New Games Due From Xseed Games

Seven New Games Due From Xseed Games

Whereas AQ Interactive may have dropped out of the video game publishing market altogether, apparently, the NA arm of the publisher, subsidary Xseed Games, has not. The financial report of AQI (that ... Read More

Dead Space Extraction Coming to PSN and XBL

Dead Space Extraction Coming to PSN and XBL

Looks like the case for mature hardcore games on the Wii just got weaker. Dead Space Extraction, Visceral's stellar on rails shooter that served as a prequel to the highly atmospheric Xbox 360/PS3 tit... Read More

Thief 4 Coming to the PS3?

Thief 4 Coming to the PS3?

While the existence of Thief 4 has been confirmed, there's literally nothing more we know about it, including the systems it is intended for, as well as its release date. Now, one of that mysteries l... Read More

Games Convention Online Closes Doors to General Public, Goes Trade Only

Games Convention Online Closes Doors to General Public, Goes Trade Only

The once popular games show undergoes yet another change of format.