Archive For Blizzard Entertainment Tag

Diablo 3 Team Deathmatch Mode Cancelled, Balance Issues Cited by Blizzard

Diablo 3 Team Deathmatch Mode Cancelled, Balance Issues Cited by Blizzard

Preference to single player balance lead to the mode's demise.

Diablo 3 console builds up and running but no plans to release – Blizzard

Diablo 3 console builds up and running but no plans to release – Blizzard

Well then, what's the point?

Diablo 3 Players Can’t Login In To Servers, Hit By Error 73

Diablo 3 Players Can’t Login In To Servers, Hit By Error 73

Due to overloaded servers, gamers will be unable to even access single-player features.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria didn’t sell poorly – Analyst #2

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria didn’t sell poorly – Analyst #2

Who knows? Q2 statement required.