Archive For ps4 Tag

PS4, Xbox 720 And Wii U: All The Latest Next Gen Gaming Roundup For This Week

PS4, Xbox 720 And Wii U: All The Latest Next Gen Gaming Roundup For This Week

It's been a slow week for news and rumours about next-gen gaming systems, but here's what we know so far. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that they don't care if PS4 and Xbox 720 are mor... Read More

PS4, Xbox 720 And Wii U: All The Latest Next Gen Gaming Roundup

PS4, Xbox 720 And Wii U: All The Latest Next Gen Gaming Roundup

It's time again for a roundup of all the next-gen news and rumours, and this week has been a bit interesting with Nintendo defending the Wii U's specs and a new rumour about PS4 being 10x more power... Read More

PS4 and Xbox 720: The Latest News and Rumor Mill for this week

PS4 and Xbox 720: The Latest News and Rumor Mill for this week

This week has been pretty eventful in a sense that there has been plenty of new rumours on the next-generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony. So it's time for another GamingBolt next-gen news a... Read More

Sony: Retail is absolutely vital or PS4 and Xbox 720 will suffer

Sony: Retail is absolutely vital or PS4 and Xbox 720 will suffer

Almost everyone in the industry is repeating the digital distribution is the future spiel, but Sony's UK vice president has shot this down and has mentioned that retail is extremely important for ... Read More

Codemasters co-founder: “PS4 and Xbox 720 need to be digital only, or they will fail”

Codemasters co-founder: “PS4 and Xbox 720 need to be digital only, or they will fail”

Codemasters co-founder David Darling has predicted that if Sony and MS' next-gen consoles aren't 100% digital only, chances of them failing are high. He compared them to Apple's current profitable b... Read More

Iwata believes Wii U’s graphics won’t be drastically behind PS4 and Xbox 720

Iwata believes Wii U’s graphics won’t be drastically behind PS4 and Xbox 720

Nintendo's president believes Wii U won't be that behind Sony and Microsoft's next-gen consoles in graphical capabilities. He believes they have created a console that not only good performance but ... Read More

PS4 being worked on by Sony since August 2010 – Report

PS4 being worked on by Sony since August 2010 – Report

In what could be a proper confirmation that the successor to the PS3 is indeed in development, a Linkedin CV of an ex-SCEA R&D director has outed some vital information that won't please So... Read More

Editorial: Sony’s Gaikai acquisition and the PS4 backwards compatibility dilemma

Editorial: Sony’s Gaikai acquisition and the PS4 backwards compatibility dilemma

Sony recently announced that they have acquired Gaikai - a cloud gaming service. Of course, there were rumors of this well before E3, and while both companies had declined that anything of this so... Read More

PS4 and Xbox 720 news and rumour roundup for this week

PS4 and Xbox 720 news and rumour roundup for this week

Next gen is finally here, or will be here after the Wii U launch, but there's still a lot of time to go before we get some accurate information on Sony and Microsoft's next-gen consoles. First up... Read More

Nintendo: ‘PS4/Xbox 720 Might Not Offer Full Generational Leaps’

Nintendo: ‘PS4/Xbox 720 Might Not Offer Full Generational Leaps’

The Wii U is being accused of, at best, being a very moderate and incremental bump over the current generation of systems. Having already defended the Wii U's power, Nintendo expressed its belief th... Read More

EA: Next-Gen FIFA is in development, “very well prepared” to take on PES

EA: Next-Gen FIFA is in development, “very well prepared” to take on PES

EA might be very well making a new engine for its popular franchise FIFA to prepare for the arrival of next-gen consoles. It's sort of what Konami is doing when they revealed that next-gen PES will ... Read More

Sony: PS4 games in development, we want to “build a great machine”

Sony: PS4 games in development, we want to “build a great machine”

PS4 games are in development and Sony is concentrating on building a great machine before revealing any more details, revealed Sony Worldwide Studios US head, Scott Rohde. Actually, the way he ... Read More

Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 footage looks pretty hot

Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 footage looks pretty hot

Unreal Engine 4 was revealed last month along with a lot of screenshots and details, but what people craved for was to see the thing in action, and that's exactly what we're going to show you here. ... Read More

EA: E3 2012 was the beginning of next-gen shift

EA: E3 2012 was the beginning of next-gen shift

Wowed by games like Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313? It's for a reason, EA's Gibeau revealed to CVG. This year's E3, while light on content, was the beginning of a next-gen shift with third-party pu... Read More

Square Enix’s next generation tech demo looks breathtaking: 1080p shots and video

Square Enix’s next generation tech demo looks breathtaking: 1080p shots and video

Remember the Luminous engine? It's Square Enix's next generation engine and they have revealed what it is capable of in the most impressive way imaginable. All of what you are going to see is in re... Read More

Report: PS4 Coming 2013

Report: PS4 Coming 2013

Nintendo is all set to kickstart the next generation when its Wii U launches later this year, and it is going to have no competition from either Sony or Microsoft, both of whom are still sitting pre... Read More

John Carmack: There will be a lot of 30hz games on Xbox 720 and PS4

John Carmack: There will be a lot of 30hz games on Xbox 720 and PS4

John Carmack has revealed some things about next gen that will make a lot of people who are anticipating the next gen consoles, quiver in their boots. He has revealed that increase in processing po... Read More

Pachter: Used games vital, Industry will disintegrate otherwise

Pachter: Used games vital, Industry will disintegrate otherwise

Industry analyst Michael Pachter has his own show at Gametrailers called Pach Attack, and there he speaks about vital issues that the readers ask him. One such issue popped up was about used games and... Read More

Epic Games wants PS4 and Xbox 720 to be a lot more powerful

Epic Games wants PS4 and Xbox 720 to be a lot more powerful

It seems that Epic Games knows what the specs of next-gen consoles of Sony and Microsoft are, otherwise why would they want them to be more powerful? Recently they have said that they are talking to S... Read More

First Unreal Engine 4 Screenshots and details revealed

First Unreal Engine 4 Screenshots and details revealed

Unreal Engine 4 looks great in these screenshots that were revealed today by Epic Games. Wired has an exclusive feature (?) which has a lot of details on the engine, which you can check out here. E... Read More